Saturday, October 22, 2016

Winter is here... 2015

At this point, after I got the platform built, I stopped work for the winter. I didn't want to build up the flooring over the platform and have the snow pile up. Better to have snowflakes flutter between the joists, otherwise I'd have to climb up and shovel the snowpack off after every snow storm, trying to keep the plywood from rotting, etc.... so, I kept the platform unencumbered for the winter and just watched the snow settle on the beams for a few months, enjoyed some time off to spend with D and the twins. It turned out to be a fairly easy winter, especially compared to the record breaking 2014-1015 winter where we got around 110' of snow.

Time is always precious, and I didn't want to spend all my free time working on this treehouse. You have to find a balance, get what you can done when you have the time, but also not spend all your free time working - otherwise you can burn out. On the other hand, the binge-building approach allows you to get it finished faster, and if I could have just taken a month or two off of work and worked on this full-time, it wouldn't have turned into a 2+ year adventure... but like I said, to be a contemplative treehouse, you need the time to contemplate ;) also, for the amateur, time off to research decisions, construction approaches can't be shortcut - at least for me, just throwing something up wouldn't have worked.

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